(After a long layoff...)
Here is link to Part 1
Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sex (But Were Afraid To Ask)
I actually remember seeing this back in high school, when A&E was a MUCH different network than it is now (they actually tried to live up to their Arts and Entertainment name). I also remember not really caring for it at the time. However, since it was edited for television and I have a little more developed taste in movies now than I did then, I was hoping for a better experience this time around. However, my opinion was about the same upon this viewing. It really didn't do much for me.
It had some humorous isolated moments, but overall I didn't think it was all that funny. Maybe the subject matter was a little more shocking back in 1972, and that simple fact made the skits funnier. The movie is broken up into 7 parts, each dealing with a different sexual topic. The only real chuckles I got were from the skit on bestiality (because I love Gene Wilder and the way he played such an absurd story so straight) and the one on sex perverts (because they did it in the style of a 60s game show and it had Regis Philbin in it). However, the rest (dealing with aphrodisiacs, female orgasms, transvestites, sex research, and ejaculation) were just there. I have only ever seen two Woody Allen films (I know, what kind of movie fanatic am I?) - this one and Annie Hall (which I loved) - so I don't know if most of his films are like this or if this one is a fluke.
(I couldn't find a trailer on YouTube, but eh, no big loss)
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