Thursday, February 7, 2013

Goodbye 30 Rock... Hello Community!


Last Thursday was the series finale of 30 Rock, and rather be sad that another very high quality show that I love, but very few other watched, has left the air, I am just going to be glad that I got 7 seasons of enjoyment.  Considering that it was so low rated for most of its run and was often up against the juggernaut CBS shows (either Survivor or Big Bang Theory, depending on the season), its a miracle that it lasted that long.  Well, not so much a miracle but rather the good fortune to be on during a period that NBC's ratings were in such dire straights that they had nothing else better to put on.  The fact that 30 Rock realized how low NBC was and constantly took shots at them was one of the things that I loved about that show.  They generally didn't give a fuck about biting the hand that fed them, mostly because their jabs at NBC were pretty spot on (and most often hilarious - my two favorites being MILF Island and America's Kidz Got Singing as terrible fictional NBC shows). 

The best part of 30 Rock, however, was the relationship between Jack Donaghy and Liz Lemon.  Just about every TV show in history, when finding themselves with male-female leads that have tremendous chemistry, have tried to build a "will they or won't they" tension which, when ultimately resolved on the "will they" side, results in poorer stories.  Not 30 Rock.  They managed to resist that throughout the entire run (other than the periodic Joke from Jack about how unattractive he is by Liz).  That restraint in storytelling allowed Jack and Liz to develop one of the best friendships in TV history, allowing them to play off each other and grow more alike than either would have thought was possible at the beginning of the series.  I would hope that future shows would realize that they don't have to take the lazy way out and always force a relationship on their leads, but who am I kidding?  Not enough people watched this show to make a difference (even with all the Emmy wins). 

The only bight spot in 30 Rock leaving is that NBC has finally agreed to air the new season of Community in its place.  Community is even less watched than 30 Rock, so I have to believe this is the final season for that show as well (meaning in 6 weeks I'll probably be writing a "Goodbye Community" piece).  I want to be really excited for Community to be back, but since they are working with a brand new creative team, I am trying to temper that excitement.  Oh well, it still has to be better than that stupid "Whitney" show...

So, I say good bye to 30 Rock and  say thanks for all the laughs.  Here are some of my favorite Jack quotes (always the most consistent quote machine on the show even in down  episodes):

[to Liz] I like you. You have the boldness of a much younger woman

Jack: That's a sharp tie you've got there, Dennis. 
Dennis: That douchebag up front made me wear it. 
Jack: Does he know you're the Beeper King? 
Dennis: I don't think so.

Liz: Why are you wearing a tux? 
Jack: It's after six. What am I, a farmer?

Never go with a hippie to a second location.

[to his Mother] Are you sure that life is short?  Because yours seems ENDLESS.

Lemon, the grown-up dating world is like your haircut. Sometimes, awkward triangles occur.

You're Liz Lemon, damn it. In certain lights, you're an 8! Using East Coast, over-35 standards, excluding Miami.

Lemon, I want you to get better because, and I mean this, I’m tired of talking this much to a woman I’m not having sex with.