Saturday, November 5, 2011

Thursday Night TV Roundup 11/3/11

One day late but better than never...

While not quite as good as the last 2 stellar episodes, this was still very funny.  I always appreciate when they give Chevy Chase the spotlight, and he doesn't disappoint.  His condemning, then embracing, then condemning of the gay popularity of his family's Hawthorne wipes was hilarious.  Probably my favorite Pierce line of the night came when he was asked by the organizers of the Greendale "Gay Bash" what kind of cookies he wanted (chocolate chip or peanut butter) and he responded, "Rainbow, bitches!"

I also really liked the subplot with Troy and John Goodman's air conditioner repair school dean.  I had a feeling that Goodman was going to reappear once Sweeps month started.  The air conditioning initiation ceremony was as ridiculous as you would expect from Greendale.  I hope that Troy and the Vice Dean's cat and mouse game continues the rest of the season.

Overall, my two favorite moments were both Troy and Abed related: when they did impersonations of each other and the credits scene where they were attacking Jeff as Inspector Spacetime characters (I love that they continue to be obsessed with that show).
Grade -> B+

Parks & Rec
I love episodes of Community that showcase how insane most of the town is.  Throw in an off the hook final Tom and Jean Ralphio party and you have a very funny episode.  I will miss Entertainment 720, but I am sure they will find other ways to allow Tom to showcase his ridiculous party sensibility. 

Since the crazy Reasonableist cult (followers of Zorp, who was coming back to melt their faces off) was proclaiming doomsday, the Parks characters spent a lot of time contemplating the end of the world even if they knew the cult was wrong (they make a habit of this every few months).  The best was Andy, who decided to do everything on his bucket list in one night.  The 2 highlights: his chance to be an action hero in his own home (with the expected appearance of Burt Macklin, FBI and Janet Snakehole, and the unexpected appearance of Jerry!) and, upon arriving at the Grand Canyon, Andy remarks "Where all all the faces?  You know, the presidents?"  Classic Andy...
Grade -> B+

The Office
There were things about The Office that I liked, and things that I didn't.  I guess at this point that is about all I can hope for at this point.  The things I liked: once again, pretty much everything involving Robert California, the staff's struggle not too make any mistakes (and the way that Erin marked off each mistake with an "X" on her desk, Jim's futile attempts to play squash.  The things I didn't like: the whole idea of Dwight's "doomsday" device (why would Andy ever agree to that?  why would Dwight want everyone to get fired, including himself? - he loves working at Dunder-Mifflin), how ridiculously stupid they made Kevin seem once again (really? he thinks paper is made by the man trees and their penises?  SIGH).
Grade -> C+

It's Always Sunny
The return of Dr. Mantis Toboggan!  Even if it was only for a second or two, that was a nice call back to the "D.E.N.N.I.S System".  I didn't enjoy this episode as much as last weeks, but I think "Chardee MacDennis" may have been one of the all time classics, so that's no knock against this episode.  Frank's inability to grasp that the Gang wanted to make a viral video and not a virus video was really funny, as was Dennis and Charlie's half of the quest to find the shusher.  Mac and Dee's half of the quest wasn't as funny, but it still had its moments (Mac's attempts to find out the right "Ex-Girlfriend" porn site and the revelation that Dee has sent her hair to  man online who turned out to be a woman were both highlights).
Grade -> B+

Beavis & Butthead
I enjoyed the season premiere more than this episode, as I thought it was more consistently funny.  This was still a good episode though.  I particularly enjoyed B&B's takedowns of "16 and Pregnant" and whatever that other show was involving the "psychic".  I continue to be surprised how MTV allows this show to so savagely mock its other programming.  Maybe the network executives actually have a sense of humor (unlike at the E! Network, where Joel McHale is expressly forbidden to make fun of Kim Kardashian's sex tape on The Soup, although maybe that will change now...).
Grade -> B

New feature - The Winner of the Night (I will pick which show was my overall favorite):

Based on how much I had to say about it compared to the rest, the winner is... Community!

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