Monday, January 7, 2013

2012 Year in Review - TV Pt. 2


I just had a huge error that erased this entire post.  I am not going to try and re-write it from memory, mostly because it is already January 7 and I want to get through these year end reviews and get to some different subjects.  Instead, I will just try and recover my thoughts on the top 5 only:


10. Downton Abbey
9. Sherlock
8. The Hour
7. Fringe
6.  The Walking Dead

5. Justified
  As I write this, I am one day away from the season 4 premiere, and I am incredibly fired up.  Raylan Givens is such a badass on this show, and Boyd Crowder is a tremendous foil for him.  Justified is a great modern western that makes me always want to drink bourbon and never visit Kentucky.

4. Boardwalk Empire
  I was very concerned with where this show was going to go after the way season 2 ended, but I should have known better.  Adding in Gyp Rosetti as the new bad guy, pitting him against Nucky in a season long mob war and bringing in Al Capone as Nucky's ace in the hole was a super winning formula.

3. Game of Thrones
  As good as the first 2 seasons of this show have been (and they have been fantastic), anyone that has ready the Song of Fire and Ice books knows how unbelievably ape-shit awesome this upcoming season is going to be...

2. Breaking Bad
  This continues to be the most intense show on TV, maybe of all time.  Watching more than one episode in a row actually takes something out of you and may actually shorten your life span a little. 

1. Mad Men
  Once again, Mad Men is the best written and best acted (from top to bottom) show on TV.  While Breaking Bad is has the intense drama covered, Mad Men manages to be more emotionally engaging while just being a frigging show about an ad agency!

Up next (hopefully this week) - my favorite music of the year!

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