Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Damn Writer's Block

I have been trying all summer to get back to my blog.  I have 3 different posts is various stages of completion, plus a few other ideas that I wanted to write about, but every time I sat down to work on something, I would write for like 5 minutes and then find myself watching TV or something instead of finishing what I was supposed to be working on.  That shouldn't happen - I used to really like writing this blog.  Its supposed to be for FUN. It shouldn't be a chore.

So, to get over this writers block, I decided to just hammer out all the half (or barely started) entries I have in one big post (substituting analysis and ideas for just getting the damn things done) and starting fresh.  That idea actually got me excited for writing again.  THEN, my laptop died the week I was going to start down that path.  SIGH. Now, I finally have a new laptop, and since this fresh start idea still has me excited to get back to writing several weeks after I originally had it, I guess it was the right decision.  Since tomorrow night is premiere night for most of my favorite shows, and I want to get back to my reviews of those, it looks like I am down to the wire on this post, so LET'S GO! (hey look, a deadline!  Just like a real writer...)

Post # 1 - 1988: Music, Pt. 2
Here is Pt. 1 of this series, with the bottom half my top 10 albums (yes, I am old and I still use the word "albums" to describe all music releases).  Here is top 5:

5.) Eric B & Rakim - Follow the Leader
4.) Jane's Addiction - Nothing's Shocking
3.) The Pixies - Surfer Rosa
2.) NWA - Straight Outta Compton
1.) Public Enemy - It Takes a Nation of Millions To Hold Us Back

As you can see, 1988 was one of the golden years of hip-hop.  Plus, those other 2 discs are pretty among some of the best alternative releases of the 1980's.

Post #2 - 1971: Movies, Pt. 1
This is a continuation of my 1970s movie series, found here and here. The only film that I saw so far from my planned list for this year that I had not seen before is Harold and Maude.  I can't believe it took me this long to see this film.  What a fantastic film.  It is funny and charming and, also, INCREDIBLY weird.  Definitely a must see.  I also re-watched Dirty Harry, as I had not seen that in a long while.  It was fairly violent and gritty.  I enjoyed it just as much as I remembered.

I still have plans to get back to this series soon.  Here are a list of notable films from '71 that I have already seen, and I may or may not re-watch:
French Connection
Diamonds Are Forever(I am really only including this a "notable" film because I am a huge James Bond fan, since it really doesn't fit the idea of a classic "70s" film as I described them in my first post)
A Clockwork Orange
The Last Picture Show
Play Misty For Me

Here are the films that I plan on watching for the first time:
Carnal Knowledge
Billy Jack
Duel (maybe)
Bananas (maybe)
Straw Dogs (last I looked, this wasn't available from Netflix, but with that horrendous looking remake out now, maybe that will change)

Films from '71 I have no desire to watch:
Fiddler on the Roof

Post #3 - Top 15 CD's From The First Half of 2011
Normally, I pick 10 CDs, but that left out discs that I really liked, so for this list I upped it to 15:

15.) My Morning Jacket - Circuital
14.) Smith Westerns - Dye It Blonde
13.)Parts & Labor - Constant Future
12.) Okkervil River - I Am Very Far
11.) Fleet Foxes - Helplessness Blues
10.) Bon Iver - Bon Iver
9.) Death Cab For Cutie - Codes and Keys
8.) Mountain Goats - All Eternals Deck
7.) The Decemberists - The King Is Dead
6.) The Raveonettes - Raven In the Grave
5.) Vivian Girls - Share the Joy
4.) Bill Callahan - Apocalypse
3.) Wye Oak - Civilian
2.) PJ Harvey - Let England Shake
1.) TV On The Radio - Nine Types of Light

Based on the fact that only 2 of the discs on this list are from bands from which this is their first release that I own, I need to do a much better job of seeking out new bands.

Post #4 - Summer TV
The days of nothing but re-runs showing during the summer are over.  One of the best dramas and one of the best comedies on TV right now, as well as one of the best "guilty pleasure" shows of all time, are on during the summer.  I should have been writing about them every week like I do with my Thursday shows - major ball dropping on my part.  Quick synopses - Breaking Bad was absolutely of the charts (since its still ongoing, I will probably write a full season review after the finale airs), Curb Your Enthusiasm had one of its best seasons ever ("Palestinian Chicken" had me completely in tears, and the finale with Michael J Fox turned Parkinson's Disease into the funniest punchline ever), and True Blood had an up and down season that showed a lot of promise at different times, but was ultimately a little of a let down, yet set up some interesting stories for next season. 

Post #5 - Columbus Music Scene
I have spent a lot of time this summer going out to see my two favorite local bands - The Wet Darlings and The Phantods - among others.  It has been a long time since I have been this excited about the local music scene, and I am really happy about it.

OK, I think that about does it.  Clean slate!  Going forward, I will be starting my Thursday night show reviews, and I will be adding Boardwalk Empire starting this Sunday and The Walking Dead in a few weeks.  I will also at some point be picking up my series on movies and music from certain years.  I am going to try and throw in posts that are not just reviews of what I am listening to or watching (in the style of posts like this (I would have had a nice rant about this week's Netflix nonsense had I been on top of things) in order to keep things different.  And, of course, in 10 short days, its time once again for my annual Halloween Horror Fest, so that should keep me busy next month.

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