Sunday, December 26, 2010

Top 10 CD's From the Second Half of 2010, Pt. 1

This is the follow up to my list from the first half of 2010.  For the second half of the year, I am setting the timeline as CD's released from July 1 - November 28 (since there really isn't much new released in the month of December).

10.) The Walkmen - Lisbon

Lisbon is the 6th album from The Walkmen, and indie rock group out of New York City.  Their sound has always been a kind of depressing, modern type of surf rock/garage rock, with a little bit of piano thrown in.  With this release, they have added a slight bit of 50's rockabilly, while at the same time laying off on the depressing lyrics just a bit.  This approach helped differentiate Lisbon from their earlier efforts while still continuing the quality of their previous music.

9.) Girl Talk - All Day

Gregg Gillis may not have the same musical or songwriting talent as the rest of the artists on this list, but his ability to pair together such disparate sampled beats and lyrics the way he does into a cohesive whole is pretty amazing.  And the fact that he is able to make a living at this despite releasing All Day for free (I imagine clearing the samples would have proved prohibitive and expensive - I don't know how he was able to sell any of his earlier CDs) is impressive as well. He is an extensive touring act (he sold out 2 nights the last time he was in Columbus), and his music is the perfect match up for a live experience.   All Day continues that party vibe, with samples from the likes of 2 Live Crew, Cream, Modern English, Jay-Z and pretty much everything in between. 

8.) Black Mountain - Wilderness Heart

Black Mountain is a Canadian band with a sound that is a throwback to the early to mid 70's, particularly the prog rock and psychedelic bands.  This sound continues on the band's third release.  With most bands looking back to the 80's and 90's for their sound, its a refreshing change to hear a band that isn't afraid to embrace a sound from before the Punk Rock era.  Black Mountain is able to take these influences and create music that stands on its own in 2010 without being entirely derivative.   Rock 'n' roll has always relied on taking sounds from the past and forging them into something new, so I have no problems with bands that wear their influences heavily on their sleeves, as long as they add something of them selves to that sound.  Its nice to be able to listen to something that sounds like its from that era without having to pull out the same discs over and over (that were actually made in that era).  Wilderness Heart fits that bill nicely. 

7.) Cee Lo Green - The Lady Killer

Cee Lo takes a break from a successful 2 album run with Danger Mouse (as Gnarls Barkley) to get back to his solo career.  I had a long paragraph talking about the Cee Lo and his music, but it got erased, and I don't remember what I wrote, so screw it - just listen to the clip below.  If you like it, get his CD.  It's good.

6.) Blonde Redhead - Penny Sparkle

My write up on Blonde Redhead didn't save either.   SIGH.  I am trying to get this review done before 2011, so here is the short version: they are a dream pop band that normally has more of a guitar-heavy sound, but they decided to go with a more electronic sound for their 8th album.  It is a good way to mix up their sound and keep it fresh. 

Coming soon (hopefully this week), Part 2...

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