Tuesday, November 23, 2010

1970: Movies Pt. 2

(Here is a link to Part 1)

Since I was a kid of the late 70's and 80's, I had a lot of exposure to the MASH TV show, as it was in constant rotation in syndication (even as it was still showing new episodes on CBS) as I was growing up.  I loved that show and it wasn't until I was much older that I was even aware that the show was based on a movie.  Finally, when I was in college, I got around to watching Robert Altman's film.  I was apprehensive going in that, because of my exposure to the TV show, I wouldn't be able to appreciate the movie without comparing the two.  That lasted about 5 minutes.  After that, I became engrossed in the film and really didn't give the TV show another thought.

Just like Catch 22 (from Part 1 of my 1970 series), Altman uses dark humor in the setting of a previous war to offer an anti-Vietnam War message.  In this case, its the Korean War and a surgical hospital that has to deal with the attrocities of war every day.  The way that the main characters - surgeons Hawkeye, Duke and Trapper John - dealt with these horrors was to drinl and carouse and basically do whatever they wanted - anything to make them forget they were in the Army when they were off duty.  They ran the camp, and anyone who tried to stop them were either run out of there (Frank Burns) or eventually assimilated to their side (Hotlips).  The results were always hilarious - Donald Sutherland and Elliot Gould were at the top of their comedic game. 

While Catch 22 was decent, this is the far superior film of the two.

Coming soon - Part 3!

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