I thought this was a fantastic episode of Community. I loved how they set it up like the "mockumentary" style shows (like The Office and Modern Family) so it allowed them to gently poke fun at those type of shows and at the same time give Community a different look and storytelling dimension that it doesn't normally have.
Even though Pierce was just as, if not more, despicable in this episode as he was in the Dungeons and Dragons episode, but for some reason, it didn't bother me as much this time around (the D&D episode was my least favorite Community episode so far, but I suspect that I will like it better when I watch it a second time - just a feeling). This time, he was (at least in his warped mind) justified in acting this way - he almost dies and he feels like his so-called friends (the only ones he has) were not around for him. I loved the way he planted little seeds of cruelty or dissent and (other than his plan for Jeff, which required a more hands on approach, and as a result, led to a more hands on reaction from Jeff) let everyone inflict their own torture on themselves. Pretty diabolical (and hilarious).
Favorite Scenes/Quotes: Troy - "FINAL words? You're going to kill us?"; Pierce - "I am dying. I am not really dying"; Jeff - "Remember when he had the hiccups and pulled the fire alarm?"; Lavar Burton! Good to see him and to see him play so well into the role; Pretty much everything with Troy and Lavar Burton was AWESOME; Pierce - "Smell ya later"; Britta = sour face was such a perfect name for her; Great exchange: Pierce - Is that you Death?" Britta - "No its Britta." Pierce - "Oh."; As s big fan of Firefly, I loved the shout out from Troy (and Abed); The Jeff-Britta bad parent one-upmanship was rapid-fire comedy gold; Jeff's freak outs were all well done; Britta - "Its not that I am selfish, its just that I am really stupid with my money! Thank god he didn't take it - could you imagine bouncing a check to Kunta Kinte?"; Lavar - "Well, more fish for Kunta"; The amount of favorite scenes/quotes should show how much I loved this episode.
Grade - A
The Office
The return of Threat Level Midnight!; Like I said last week, The Office has long since stopped being a show that is based in any kind of realistic office setting. At least this week, devoting the majority of the episode to Michael's (very long in the making) movie gave them an excuse to be extra un-realistic. It was really good to see the return of a few characters that have been gone for a while, like Roy, Karen, Jan and Ryan's friend from NYC that Dwight thought was a hobbit. It was a dopey episode, but it was fairly humorous.
Favorite Scenes/Quotes: I enjoyed how Michael put the full address of every location (including zip code) in the movie; Daryl as president; Jim - "I am going to dig up Scarn's wife and hump her real good"; Michael's soloflex and Dave Barry calendar are typical Michael touches; Creed's fringe jacket; Jan trying to escape the camera, and also completely vamping it up during her lounge act in the film; OF COURSE Toby dies; Michael - " (about Toby's character) That man was a wanted animal rapist); WAS THAT PAM'S MOM? It was hard to tell and I will have to confirm upon further viewings; TODD PACKER!; (I can't remember who said this - Kevin?) "You should enter it in festivals! Or carnivals"; Michael - "I am a huge Woody Allen film, although I have only seen Ants".
Grade - B-
Parks & Rec
Another really, really funny episode of Parks & Rec. They finally gave Adam Scott's Ben more of a showcase than just playing straight man to Leslie (Scott was supposed to be fantastic in Party Down, which is in my Netflix Instant Queue and, after how excellent he was in this episode, it's going right to the top). The way he kept finding new ways to melt down when confronted with his past as mayor were fantastic. However, it was also a pretty stellar episode for the other characters too. I was very happy to see them continue the semi-friendship between Ron and Andy (even if Ron claimed he had ulterior motives, which I don't entirely believe - I think he sincerely likes Andy). Tom was at the height of his schmoozing powers, where he is at his best. Rob Lowe continued his great run as the goofily high-energy Chris, and he has brought out the best in Ann while he has been around (she has never been funnier). Lastly, finally - ANDY AND APRIL!!!!
Favorite Scenes/Quotes: Ron's typewriter overall was great stuff; Ron - "I bought it on Electronic Bay dot com"; "What has he been typing? 'If you sonsofbitches try to Move this typewriter, I'll kill you' ": Ron - "I am going to type all the words I know! Rectangle! America! Megaphone! Monday! Butthole!"; Crazy Ira and the Douche; Chris and Ann's back cracking; Andy at the permits desk once again gave an opportunity to showcase the loons that live in Pawnee; Ron - "and why was that child clubbing your nuggets"; "We're looking him up on Alta Vista" - glad to see that Pawnee is still stuck in 1997; Tom - "You embarassed me in front of the Douche!"; Tom - "Brooks Bros Boys doesn't make garbage"; "Ya Heard, with Perd"; Ron - "Boom. Sadness. That's the one"; Tom - "Sweetums might cancel the fat coaster!"; Ben - "More like Turd Crapley"
Grade -A
30 Rock
I am a sucker for mysteries and detective stories in general, and Murder On the Orient Express in particular, so I loved the elaborate mystery that Liz unravels (and then ignores in order to get herself back out there). It was also a pretty good Jack episode. He had some great lines (see below) and this was one of my favorite type of Jack episodes - he initially takes some hit to his ego, and then uses it to his advantage, becoming the uber-confident Jack that we all love by episode's end.
Favorite Scenes/Quotes: A fanny pack is almost always funny; Jack - "Meeting Magazine is already calling it the meeting of the decade"; Jack - "That's ok - you just keep watching Bridal Plasty"; Pete in Loverboy!;
Jenna - "They contain a little bit of meth - which my body needs anyway!" The return of the running joke about Jenna dating Eric Roberts and how crazy he is - always funny; Liz - 'I like my tampons to be cold"; Liz - "Is that ANOTHER magazine about meetings?"; Liz - " They're all mularkey" (a great word that doesn't get enough use); Jack - "And I haven't spoken to Joe Namath since that Mardi Gras"; Liz - "Nope! Hipster Nonsense - I'm out"; No woman loves SW like Liz Lemon does; Liz - "I see you opened that scotch NBC gave us when we came in 3rd"; Jack - "I see someone got to first base, which I consider sex with a stranger".
Grade - B+
This was another solid episode. Pretty much any pairing of Lana and Archer in the field results in some great comedy. It allows two of the 3 most dominant characters on the show (Archer's mom is the 3rd) to shine on their own, and at the same time let the other characters have their own storyline. While I also love when everyone is together and can play off each other, its good to mix it up once in a while. This was a very funny episode that didn't seem to be as quotable as the others, but still made me laugh out loud quite a bit.
Favorite Scenes/Quotes: Archer - "His name's Gandolf, and he's not a hippie?"; Archer vs the sky marshal; Archer - "It is an emergency - Of an awesome and ass-kicking nature"; Archer - "I'm pretty sure Tonto was a Jew"; Archer - "All of this wildlife can suck it"; Archer - "If you're hot, and also somewhat bitchy, have a beer"; Lana's flurry of beeps; Archer - "Yes, ruiner of explanations!"; Archer's gator stats;
Grade - B+
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