Friday, June 26, 2009

The Top 10 CD's of 2009 (so far...)

Usually, I find myself playing catch up at the end of the year trying to get all the discs that have come out during that year ("Wait, they had a new CD this year? When did THAT come out?"). This year however, I have been pretty on top of getting the discs I want right as or after they come out (or *ahem* before they come out). I am still missing a few that I really wanted, but you can't get everything. So, I decided to post my list of my top 10 favorite discs of the first half of the year. I know 2009 isn't technically half over, but since not many new discs come out in December, I figured June was a good cut off point. Here they are, with a short blurb about each one and a few songs I really like from the disc:

10.) Iron & Wine - Around the Well
This is a compilation disc from the alternative folk band. While there were other compilation discs that came out this year that I decided to not include on the list, I left this one in because it contains mostly unreleased songs. Like most folk music, the songs on this disc are pretty straightforward musically - just a guitar, some drums and a story. Sam Beam (Iron & Wine is pretty much him and whatever band he puts together to go on tour with) manages to craft some very pretty songs that musically lend themselves to just sitting out on the porch, tapping your foot along and generally just enjoying a nice summer's day, as long as you don't listen to the lyrics - he manages to make some upbeat sounding songs about pretty sad subject matter. So, the songs can serve two purposes - put you in a good mood or allow you to wallow in a good depression. Your choice.
Favorite songs from the disc - "Dearest Forsaken", "Belated Promise Ring", "Love Vigilantes", "No Moon", "Carried Home", "Arms of a Thief".

9.) Passion Pit - Manners
Passion Pit are an electronic pop band that I just discovered this year, although they had an EP that came out last year. The lead singer has a high pitched voice that may turn some people off, but I think it fits right in with their style of music, almost like an additional instrument. Their songs are catchy pop songs, but they are just short of dance-y. So, if you are looking for a song to bob your head along to, check this one out.
Favorite songs from the disc - "Make Light", "Little Secrets", "The Reeling", "Eyes As Candles", "Folds In Your Hands", "The Seaweed Song".

8.) Neko Case - Middle Cyclone
As part of the New Pornographers, Neko Case sings on some of the catchiest pop songs you will ever hear. Her solo songs, however, are in a whole different vein. She sings a very soulful alternative country that sounds like it belongs in a backwoods country bar, with a haze of cigarette smoke in the air.
Favorite songs from the disc -"This Tornado Loves You", "People Got a Lotta Nerve", "Middle Cyclone", "I'm an Animal", "Don't Forget Me", "Red Tide".

7.) Grizzly Bear - Vekatimest
Its not very easy to describe Grizzly Bear's music (they play a psychedelic folk music - try and describe what THAT sounds like). The band has said that they set out to make a more accessible record, and they succeeded - this disc has a very dense sound (due in large part to the fact that everyone in the band contributes to vocals and allows them an added dimension most bands aren't able to manage), but they have managed to make it a rewarding listening experience without sacrificing their signature experimental sound.
Favorite songs from the disc -"Southern Point", "All We Ask", "Cheerleader", "Ready, Able", "About Face", "While You Wait For the Others".

6.) The Yeah Yeah Yeahs - It's Blitz
A great disc from the band following their disappointing sophomore record. This disc added a throwback 1980's synthpop sound to the band's signature garage rock, which really appealed to me since I am a big fan of that type of music. It was great to see that the band still has something left and wasn't just a flash in the pan.
Favorite songs from the disc - "Zero", "Heads Will Roll", "Soft Shock", "Dull Life", "Shame and Fortune", "Dragon Queen", "Hysteric".

5. ) Animal Collective - Merriweather Post Pavillion
Similar to Grizzly Bear, Animal Collective is another band that has a hard to define sound. They play a sort of psychedelic folk as well, but they don't quite sound the same as Grizzly Bear. True to the second part of their name, their music sounds like a bunch of people sitting around a campfire singing, although some sort of drugs would probably be involved on this camping trip - either with them for singing or with you for listening.
Favorite songs from the disc -"In the Flowers", "My Girls", "Summertime Clothes", "Bluish", "Taste".

4.) Super Furry Animals - Dark Days/Light Years
In what seems to be a continuing theme, Super Furry Animals is another band that has a hard to pin down sound (can you tell that I like bands that take chances and don't try to sound like everyone else?). However, unlike the other 2 bands in this "category", Super Furry Animals put forth the most rock-oriented and catchy songs, at least on this disc. This disc definitely has a more upbeat sound than the Grizzly Bear and Animal Collective discs - songs more suited for the middle part of the party than the end.
Favorite songs from the disc -"Mt", "Moped Eyes", "Inconvenience", "Helium Hearts", "White Socks/Flip Flops", "Where Do You Wanna Go?".

3.) Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
This disc was a very pleasant surprise. I had read some things on the internet hyping this band up way before their CD was released, which usually means that there will be a let down when you actually are able to hear them (it doesn't mean that the disc you are expecting isn't good - it's just that usually the internet hype machine inflates things to such a degree that there is no way the band can live up to the expectations). However, in this case, the CD was so much better than even I expected. Phoenix's upbeat dance rock will be a staple of my car rides all summer long...
Favorite songs from the disc -"Lisztomania", "Love Like a Sunset", "Lasso", "Countdown (Sick For the Big Sun)", "Girlfriend".

2.) Camera Obscura - My Maudlin Career
Camera Obscura has been around since 1996, but I didn't discover them until after a few years ago. I really enjoyed what I had heard from them before, but I think this newest disc is their best effort to date. "My Maudlin Career" often has the sound of a very literate 60's girl group music, as if the Supremes or Martha and the Vandellas went to college and decided to let what they had learned seep into their lyrics (pretty amazing when you realize that this is a white lady from England singing...).
Favorite songs from the disc -"French Navy", "You Told a Lie", "Away With Murder", "Swans", "James", "My Maudlin Career", "Honey in the Sun".

1.) Bat For Lashes - Two Suns
I was totally not expecting how good this CD turned out to be. I had only vaguely heard of this band previously (although its really just a woman named Natasha Khan and not really much of a band) and I got their 1st cd a few weeks prior to the release of Two Suns. I liked "Fur and Gold" a good deal, but there was nothing on it that blew me away. That was definitely not the case the first time I listened to "Two Suns" - it was one of those rare occurences where I immediately thought upon first listen, "Wow, this is a really fucking good CD." It is a great mix of rock and electronic pop, along with an ethereal quality, due mostly to Natasha's voice, that is at the same time upbeat and chill. A great disc.
Favorite songs from the disc -"Glass", "Sleep Alone", "Daniel", "Piece of Mind", "Pearl's Dream".


  1. Is this list in descending order or is it just "here's 10 good albums"?
