While this movie was originally marketed as a sequel to Night of the Living Dead, it was not. It was an Italian-made film (as noticed in some of the actors having to be dubbed) that nevertheless would have made a fine sequel to Romero’s zombie original. The plot is pretty standard for a zombie film – there are zombies and they want to eat people. That’s pretty much it. This film does an excellent job, though, of ratcheting up the tension throughout the film leading to the big zombie attack climax. It does this by parceling out the zombie appearances in small but very impactful ways – the two most memorable scenes involve a zombie attacking a shark(!) and a zombie attack on a woman that involves some sharp pieces of wood and an eyeball. Added to this is a classic 70’s synth soundtrack which is exactly the type of music I think of when I see a slow-moving mindless zombie on the attack. The gore factor is pretty good in this one too. I recommend this if you are a fan of zombie films to see how they can be done well without just bombarding you with zombies.
While this movie was originally marketed as a sequel to Night of the Living Dead, it was not. It was an Italian-made film (as noticed in some of the actors having to be dubbed) that nevertheless would have made a fine sequel to Romero’s zombie original. The plot is pretty standard for a zombie film – there are zombies and they want to eat people. That’s pretty much it. This film does an excellent job, though, of ratcheting up the tension throughout the film leading to the big zombie attack climax. It does this by parceling out the zombie appearances in small but very impactful ways – the two most memorable scenes involve a zombie attacking a shark(!) and a zombie attack on a woman that involves some sharp pieces of wood and an eyeball. Added to this is a classic 70’s synth soundtrack which is exactly the type of music I think of when I see a slow-moving mindless zombie on the attack. The gore factor is pretty good in this one too. I recommend this if you are a fan of zombie films to see how they can be done well without just bombarding you with zombies.